Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Professional life is getting hard these days.

I travel extensively and I have no much time

for the blog.

But the Blog Action Day theme for 2013 is hot.

Human Rights is the most important possession

of a human being…

I dedicate my blog for today’s protest to:

• The people of Greece, who against all odds,

have survived up to now from the economic

crisis and the attack and insult to their

personality, their dignity, their lives…

• The people in underdeveloped countries

who have a life of poverty and unhappiness,

unable to raise their head to the sky

and the sun…

• The young children in all over the world,

that do not sleep peacefully at night with their

mother’s lullaby, but like the Potosi children,

work in dangerous mines, not able to live a

normal happy life…

Let a “Lalala” be in their voices, an echo that

will take away a horrible silence and bring

beautiful words in all people’s lives…


panathinaeos said...

εγραψες ενα κειμενο που ειναι χειμαρρωδες, παρολον οτι ειναι λιτο...σημαντικο επιτευγμα, αφου τα λιγα λενε τοσα πολλα...

Natalia said...

λόγω έλλειψης χρόνου αλλά και ταυτόχρονης επιθυμίας για συμμετοχή στο blog action day, σκέφτηκα να ακολουθήσω το όχι εφήμερο απόφθεγμα "το λακωνίζειν εστί φιλοσοφείν"... :)


negentropist said...

Όμορφο κείμενο ...

Stormy weather

Keeps raining all the time

Natalia said...


Don't know why...
There's no sun up in the sky :)